Python Django Build Complex MultiVendor Ecommerce System


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ユーザーガイド 動画


Samil Yesil


コードサンプルのリクエスト ダイレクトメッセージ




This website has been developed using the Django framework and is equipped with a range of important features. Here's an overview of these features:

Custom User Model: The user authentication and authorization functions have been customized using a custom user model instead of Django's default user model.

Media Files and Django Signals: Django's signals have been used to manage media files, ensuring they are securely stored.

User Registration: A user-friendly interface has been provided for user registration. Users can easily register and log in to the site.

Django Messages and Errors: Django's message system has been used to provide users with information and feedback in various situations. Additionally, appropriate messages are displayed for possible errors.

Vendor Registration and Authentication Functions: A registration and authentication process is available specifically for vendors. This allows only authorized vendors to access and operate on the site.

PostgreSQL Database Configuration: The website stores data securely using the PostgreSQL database. The database configuration has been optimized to take advantage of PostgreSQL's benefits.

Token Authentication and Email Configuration: A token-based authentication system has been used for user authentication. Additionally, configurations have been made for users to verify their email addresses.

Vendor Approval by Admin, Dashboards: Administrator and vendor panels have been provided for managing vendor approval and administration. This allows vendors and administrators to easily manage their operations.

Restaurant Profile Form and Custom Validators: A user-friendly form has been provided for creating custom profiles for restaurants. Additionally, custom validators have been created to verify the accuracy of these forms.

Implementing Google Autocomplete: Google Autocomplete has been integrated to allow users to receive autocomplete suggestions while searching.

Menu Creator - Category CRUD Functions: CRUD functions have been provided for restaurants to create menus and manage categories. This allows restaurants to easily manage their menus.

Cart Functions with AJAX Requests: Users can manage their carts using AJAX requests, making the shopping experience more seamless.

Basic and Smart Search Functions: Basic and smart search functions have been provided on the website. This allows users to quickly find the restaurants and meals they are looking for.

Location-Based Search with Nearby Restaurants: Location-based search functions have been integrated to allow users to easily find nearby restaurants based on their location.

Display User's Current Location and Nearby Restaurants on the Homepage: The user's current location is retrieved and nearby restaurants are listed on the homepage.

Dynamic Business Hours Module with AJAX, Dynamic Tax Module: AJAX has been used to provide dynamic modules for managing business hours and tax rates for restaurants.

Customer Application and Profile Creation: A custom application and profile creation functions have been provided for customers. Customers can manage their profile information and view their order history.

Post-Order Functions: After completing an order, users can provide feedback and evaluate their orders.

Temporary PayPal Integration: PayPal integration has been temporarily implemented to allow users to make payments using PayPal.

Customer Dashboard: A custom control panel has been provided for customers. In this panel, customers can manage their order history and profile information.

Custom Middleware, Total Revenue per Vendor, Current Month's Revenue: Custom middleware has been developed for the website, allowing total revenue and current month's revenue per vendor to be easily calculated and displayed.

Mobile Compatibility: The website has been designed to work seamlessly on mobile devices. Users can access the site and .

perform transactions using their mobile devices













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